Jun 4, 2020

What's blooming in the wild...June series #4

Trying to find a better way to document and identify what's blooming on our property and when. You will find us documenting whats happening on and around the beanstalk and that includes wild blossoms.

Woodland Strawberry
Woodland Strawberry

I thought I could identify a wild strawberry but I certainly had no clue there were two types of wild strawberries. This one is the Woodland Strawberry . I will be on the look out to see if I can locate the wild strawberry as well.

Woodland Strawberry

Thimble berry

Thimble berry Blossom

As far back as I can remember....as a child we would play in the woods and ride our bikes and eat wild thimble berries.
Thimble berry Blossom

As an adult I prefer raspberries now but, I do remember the  carefree days of being a child growing up on Bearpaw Rd. riding our bikes up the dirt road, with no shoes on, my wild tangled hair and covered in good clean dirt eating thimble berries

Did you know that Thimble berries are also known as the Toilet Paper Plant?

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