Wow this month has been a tough one.... It seemed as though the snow was never going to stop coming. On the bright side the garden is just starting to emerge from it's winters rest and the Heirloom seeds we planted have been sprouting along quite nicely. The weather has been a mixed bag of tricks teasing and taunting us with glimpses of golden sunshine we haven't seen in months, only to vanish all to quickly behind the clouds again.

Whats sprouting indoors this month....
Oregon Spring Tomato(HL)
Whipper Snapper Cherry Tomato(HL)
Mt. Roma Paste Tomato(HL)
Hughs Yellow Tomato(HL)
Tommy Toe Cherry Tomato(HL)
Golden Acre Cabbage(HL)
Kan Tsai Chinese Celery(HL)
American Flag Leeks
Walla Walla Sweet Onions
Ethnic Sweet Antohi Romanian Peppers
Hybrid Carmen Sweet peppers
State Fair Mix Zinnias
Decicco Broccoli(HL)
Italian Mt. Basil(HL)
(*HL denotes Heirloom seeds)
*on Jen's 2009 wish list....
A Greenhouse! We have seeds started in the kitchen window and in the livingroom and who knows where next...lol