We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful May Day. We seized our opportunity to work in the garden as a family. We started out early in the coolness of morning and eventually had to slap on sunscreen as the sun finally decided to come out to play in the garden with us.

The Onions are in... I planted Copra and Ailsa Craig varieties.
Our Cabbage, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Green Onions & Leeks starts have been hardened off and planted. The Beets are in too!

Garlic is looks amazing!

The Spinach is growing along quite nicely too!

I love the fresh chives that pop up early in the spring...one of the first goodies we enjoy from our garden.

My weeding partner was sleeping on the job...Some help he is!

The boys worked all day on putting in the new 18 x 24 garden bed, removing all the sod, amending and tilling...
We really needed more room for potatoes, corn and pumpkins...We have never had enough room to really grow a good amount of these garden goodies and now we can.

We finally decided on a spot to put in the Asparagus bed. Patience is a virtue here as waiting 2 years to harvest is torture!