Jul 17, 2014

Time to Harvest Garlic

The heat of Summer and the middle of July marks the time for us to pull and harvest Garlic... Yellow tops are a telltale sign! If you wait to long, your bulbs will start to open up.
We sourced our garlic bulbs from Grey Duck Garlic last fall. We chose Georgian Crystal,Bogatyr, and Chesnok Red. 

Their bulbs were amazing! 

They arrive big, clean, and clearly labeled. 
The Grey Duck Garlic Farm is located in Moscow, ID. 

While my garlic didn't get as big as I would have liked, it is beautiful. 
Looks like I will be doing more amending to the soil for the Garlic rows this Fall.
Garlic has been cleaned, labeled, and hung on the drying rack in the shed to dry.

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