Oct 31, 2018
Oct 30, 2018
Fall carrots
I love harvesting carrots in the Fall after a couple of frosts.
It seems to make them sweeter.
I had some big help with my harvest ... Yes, she gets the "just her size " tiny ones but my little grubby garden helper needs a haircut....Can you tell?
We settled for pulling her bangs back in a ponytail so she can at least see where she's going until we can get her a fancy hair appointment. It's not always glamorous being a garden girl!
Oct 29, 2018
Garlic Planting time
Here we go again.... Its garlic planting time for my little garden.
According to the Farmers Almanac, October 28th. & 29th. is a great time to plant root your crops. So, that being said, today was the day to get this task done before the most barren period on October 30th. and 31st.
This year's varieties are
- Majestic
- Montana Giant
- Georgian Crystal
Found a gopher hole in the garden bed that I was preparing to plant in.
The gopher trap has been set and now we wait and see if we get lucky and trap those little buggers before they start doing damage!
Jun 6, 2018
Time to get back in the garden...
Time really slips away sometimes...This past month was consumed with my day job and preparing for one of the biggest vintage shows that coincides along with my soapmaking business. That left me neglecting the garden once again. Yes, the weeds are trying to take over again but I am determined they will be tackled and conquered by this weekend. I am behind on my planting schedule too. I will just get what I can... when I can... planted!
So, there's that!!!!
In the meantime, I am enjoying the blessings of the Iris's blooming and harvesting the lettuce that didn't need any special attention while I was preoccupied with other things.
So, there's that!!!!
In the meantime, I am enjoying the blessings of the Iris's blooming and harvesting the lettuce that didn't need any special attention while I was preoccupied with other things.
May 8, 2018
May 3, 2018
Simple pleasures
Simple pleasures are simply being so satisfied that your daffodils are up after a long winter and still having toys left around the yard from your now adult children!
May 2, 2018
Apr 6, 2018
Must be Spring...
Although, there is still plenty of snow around the yard... The garden has completely melted out this week. I have never been so happy to see dirt!
This was the year of the never-ending Winter. Ughhhh! Am I getting old? There are those days I just don't want to deal with snow...You know the yucky end of Winter snow!
As for the birds, they are happy for the change as well, we have been enjoying the sounds of the Cheeseburger bird, watching the Robins work at building their nest under the eves of the house and digging worms and the little Chickadees have been house hunting and scoping each birdhouse out for a potential love nest.
This was the year of the never-ending Winter. Ughhhh! Am I getting old? There are those days I just don't want to deal with snow...You know the yucky end of Winter snow!
As for the birds, they are happy for the change as well, we have been enjoying the sounds of the Cheeseburger bird, watching the Robins work at building their nest under the eves of the house and digging worms and the little Chickadees have been house hunting and scoping each birdhouse out for a potential love nest.
Mar 10, 2018
Garden tool
Well, at the moment this is the only garden tool that I'm able to use... Forcast is calling for much needed sunshine and warmer temps... Not too much longer now.... Looking forward to the great melt out and getting gardening season under way!!
Mar 5, 2018
I've found a fun way to stay garden motivated through the snowy month of March. A garden themed photo a day challenge hosted by the Rooted Garden on instagram....Follow Jen and the Beanstalk on instagram and join in the fun!
Feb 28, 2018
Seed starting in baggies
The Winter's are long here in North Idaho, so I am always willing to try something new while I wait for the garden to melt out. This time I've decided to try the baggie method to start tomato and pepper seeds.
Look at all these little sprouts!
Seeds were simply placed on a damp paper towel and placed in baggies zipped 3/4 of the way and just placed out of the way on a table in indirect light.
This is what they look like a week later.
I did wet the paper towel so that the sprout would gently slide right out of the soggy paper towel.
The sprouted seeds were then placed in potting soil as I continue to wait for Spring!
Practicing ...Patience!!!
Somewhere under that mess is my garden.....another winter storm warning underway and I am truly trying to work on my patience!!!!
Feb 18, 2018
Best Date Ever!
Oh, he knows this garden girl so well!
Dirt & Seeds.... I'm all his!
Well, guess who forgot to stockpile a bail of potting soil last Fall to have for early plantings this Spring? Ya, this garden girl did!!!
Why stockpile Potting soil????
Because potting soil this time of year is hard to come by, or is frozen solid on pallets and is so much cheaper when it's on clearance at the end of the previous season.
Yes, we were the only crazies out there today pushing our cart through snow, ice, and single digits.
The seeds were impulse buys...Darn seed racks get me every time!
Feb 14, 2018
Valetines Day Snow
There is just not as much magic in Valentine's Day snow as there is in Christmas snow...
Winter is still chugging along and I haven't even gotten around to planting anything for the new year. I'm hoping to start some onion and pepper seeds sometime this week.
Feb 12, 2018
She takes notice...Photography Blog
If you have been following along.... I have decided to create a separate blog for my Photography, as I take on photo challenges and learn something new.
You are welcome to follow along at https://shetakesnotice.blogspot.com/
You are welcome to follow along at https://shetakesnotice.blogspot.com/

Feb 8, 2018
Jan 30, 2018
*Whole Lemon* Ginger Water
I've weened myself off of any sugary drinks for over a year ... Coffee with half and half is a whole other animal. I have really found myself relying on a hot cup of coffee for comfort and relaxation. I've tried with all my might to drink it Black (yuck), with other non-dairy milk's and nothing strikes my fancy or compares to my favorite bad habit. I have decided instead of cutting it out, I will simply just cut back and be mindful of how many cups I have a day.
Part of that plan has been lemon water. Usually, I set up my half gallon canning jar with sliced lemons on the counter as a reminder to drink more water throughout the day. The goal is to get that half gallon in by the end of the day.
Today I tried something new...and I like it!
A frozen lemon, the peel and all with a chunk of ginger all blended up and added to my water. Studies have shown that the lemon peels have 10 times more nutrients than the lemon itself and aid in weight loss and detoxification and have cancer-fighting properties. Win-win!!!
I have to admit that I was a little worried that it would be too bitter for my taste... but actually, It was quite good and I will now make it part of my routine.
Jan 28, 2018
Out & about
The view from my house has gotten pretty boring... So out and about we went!
Anyone up for a spot of tea?
If you drive through Spirit Lake, chances are you drive by this all the time and might not have noticed this little gem tucked right in town.
It makes me smile every time I see it!

Jan 26, 2018
Week #4/52 view from a window
Stanley cat enjoying the view as the snowflakes fall.
Week 4/52 view from a window
ISO 1000
1/160 sec.
ISO 1000
1/160 sec.
Stanley Cat watching the snow fall.
Jan 25, 2018
About time!
Oh how I have been waiting for this moment... Christmas came and went, The New Year blew in fast and furious and then it was all about wedding planning from there on out.
Now that the wedding is behind us, I am getting a chance to slug bug with my warm cup of coffee and a big stack of seed catalogs.
Guess what I am dreaming about?
Jan 23, 2018
New addition
The most amazing thing happened Saturday....Troy and I gained a stunning new daughter...My son vowed his love and life to his new Wife and my youngest son gained a Sister.
We are so thankful and blessed!!!!
Week # 3/52 Weeks a Photography Project
Week 3/52 Can't live without this
Iso 4500
I'm running a little behind as our oldest son got married this weekend...
I can not live without this man who has been in my life for 25 years...Who has faithfully provided for our family and tenderly loved me. I do not want to know a life without this

Jan 14, 2018
Oh Stanley!!!
Well, the wild kitten we rescued from under our chicken coop back in August has really turned our little house upside down. This little monster is full of shenanigans, he keeps our little dogs on their toes and has managed to worm his way into Hubby's heart too!
How did that happen??
He is loving and cuddly enough for me and has enough spunk and sass to give Troy a run for his money!
Oh...Stanley, we do love you!!!
Jan 10, 2018
Week # 2 of 52 week photography project
killing 2 birds with one stone here...How Awesome am I?
- This picture is my photo choice for week #2 in the 52 week photo project I am participating in. The subject of the challenge this week is food.
- using the yummy veggies from week #1 photo to make a healthy Rainbow salad and to keep me on the right track of eating healthy and treating my body kindly.
Rainbow Salad recipe
2 English Cucumbers
1 Yellow Sweet Pepper
1 Red Sweet Pepper
1 small Purple Onion
1/2 C. Pomegranate perils
2 TB. Olive Oil
2 TB. Balsamic Vinegar
Pinch of Pink Sea Salt and Pepper to taste.
Jan 7, 2018
Week #1 Photography Project : Colours
This week's photo is from around my house. Everything is pretty much grey, dreary and gloomy around here in the midst of the darkest, coldest days of Winter.
These colors just stand out and grab my attention. A reminder for me to stay on track, eat healthily and to treat my body kindly.
I know myself well enough to know that I don't always finish what I've started. You may have already noticed this, as I notoriously go MIA here on my blog.
So, the plan is to follow through with this 52 week photo challenge that I've joined on Facebook and to help me become better acquainted with my camera, take better photos and share the results with you guys as well as the facebook group.
And so it begins....Week #1 Colours
Jan 6, 2018
Winter Blues
Not much to photograph in the garden this time of year...
Just sitting here enjoying the simple things around the house as I listen to the snow sliding off the roof.
Just sitting here enjoying the simple things around the house as I listen to the snow sliding off the roof.
The object of my affection today.... a little pyrex passion!
Jan 4, 2018
New year & New beginnings
A new year...with new beginnings...Hoping to take more pictures this year, Play in my garden and work on bettering myself mentally, physically and spiritually. If you are ever so inclined, please follow along.
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